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Key Alert Key Locator Systems

        Never Risk Losing Master Keys/Access Cards Again!


Key-Alert Key Locator Tethering Systems is the new force of certainty in key control with key users accountability 

The Key-Alert System is the world’s first and only industrial – grade digital tethering solution that automatically preempts master key separation and loss-with absolute reliability. With our unique key alert system you can rest assured of never having to experience a key/keys or access card loss event and its costly aftermath again

The Key-Alert System doesn’t find key/keys, because they are never lost in the first place. The Key Alert System tethers your key/keys or access cards by using an electronic signal that works as 5-7 step, step mobile barrier around the user. Upon breaching this radius, Key Alert Systems, unique alarm, vibration/strobe light are triggered to alert the user of the breach of security

Complete Packaged Key-Alert Tethering System $699.95 US

In Stock for fast delivery! The System is easy to set up & use 


New Affordable Key-Alert Tethering Key Locator Systems 

Top Features & Benefits

Preemptive: As workers do their job Key Alert System
does its magic ensuring cards/keys are always close at hand
Ease of Use: Press on the keys unit’s thumb release button
and return it to the belt unit with a simple click & snap

Key Alert Information Brochure

   Three Way Separation Alarm: When the keys separate, the alert is instant and fool-proof. Belt and key units emit unique alarms based on feel (vibration of belt unit ) audio (chirp and louder 85 dB alarm on key unit) and visual (strobe on key unit)
Industrial-Grade Quality: The systems are designed for industrial environments with usability in mind. The vibration feature can be felt through heavy utility belts and the 85dB alarm on key unit can be heard in loud environments . The Key Alert System runs on standard AAA batteries with an average life of 6 months. Once batteries reach 20% capacity a warning chirp alerts users that they need to be replaced.
Scalability: Multiple Key Alert Systems units can work in close proximity to one another because each key unit is uniquely married to its belt unit via RF signal generator.
Storability: The key unit can be un-paired from the belt unit and placed in a low-power state for off-shift storage within an access control cabinet. Removal from storage without re-holster to a belt unit causes alarm
ROI: Prevent even one temporary key loss event from happening and the Key Alert System will have paid for itself


The Key-Alert key locator system key fobs can be stored in any secure storage cabinets or for added security they can also be stored in any monitored automated key mgmt. system cabinets 

To key unit in a key cabinet:
1.Remove key/keys unit from belt unit.
2.After the key unit flashes, place it in the un-pairing station.
3.The key and belt unit will then beep 3x indicating that the units are un-paired and ready for storage.
4.The Belt unit is turned off and is ready to receive any previously stored (un-paired) key unit.
5.The key unit enters a low-power storage mode. Upon removal the user has 10 seconds to dock key unit else its alarm will sound. Upon successful docking, key unit will beep two times.

Alarm Signals
If key unit is separated from worn Belt unit by more than 5-7 steps (15-20 feet), these alarms will start.
1.The Belt unit emits a strong vibration and audible chirp alarm.
2.The Key unit emits an 85 decibel audio alarm and a bright LED strobe light. All warning alarm signals continue until key unit is safely docked to Belt unit

Key-Alert Preempts master key separation and loss

Prevention: As workers do their job, Key Alert does its magic ensuring keys are always kept close at hand.
Ease-of-Use: Key Alert is easily removed by pressing on the key unit’s thumb release button and returned to the belt unit with a simple click and snap.
Triple Threat Alarms: The belt unit and key unit emit a combination of unique alarms based on feel (vibration of belt unit), audio (chirp alarm on belt unit and louder 85 dB alarm on key unit), and visual (strobe on key unit). This combination makes identifying key location quick and fool-proof.
Reliability: Key Alert runs on standard AAA batteries with an average life of six months. Once batteries reach 20% capacity, a warning chirp alerts users that they need to be replaced.
Scalability: Multiple Key Alert units can work in close proximity to one another because each key unit is uniquely married to its belt unit via an RF signal generator.
Storability: The key unit can placed in a low-power state for off-shift storage within a key control cabinet. Removal from storage without re-holster to a belt unit causes alarm. Key Alert was engineered to seamlessly integrate with the Key-Box, Morse Watchman’s, Deister, Traka and other key control cabinets.

Please contact us for more info and pricing on our key management systems, solutions and products Please Click to Contact Us Now