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Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Don’t wait for the worst to happen, prevent key loss/theft today with an affordable, easy to u...
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KeyWin 6 Pro Key Management Software


Gives you total control. Easy to use, Easy to Manage Flexible KeyWin 6 Pro makes it easy to manage everything from around 10 keys up to several thousand keys. You can use one key cabinet or 100 key cabinets in the same key management system and at different locations. The key mgmt. system can be managed by a single administrator, or shared with other administrators. KeyWin 6 Pro is easy to set up & administrate We also provide free tech support for setting it up if required.


KeyWin 6 Pro On Premise Software With No Annual License Fees  KeyWin 6 Pro Optional Cloud Version Software with Annaul License Fees

KeyWin 6 Pro On Premise Software 

Gives you total control. Easy to use, Easy to Manage Flexible KeyWin Pro makes it easy to manage everything from around 10 keys up to several thousand keys. You can use one key cabinet or 100 key cabinets in the same key management system and at different locations. The key management system can be managed by a single administrator, or shared with other administrators. Users, groups and keys are simple and  quick to register. You determine which users and groups get which keys by connecting them in the key management system. Every use of the key is registered, and a simple search lets you find out who has had what key and when.

KeyWin 6 Pro Available Cloud Version

New KeyWin 6 Pro is also available as an optional extra cost Cloud version application, which gives you the opportunity to access the administration even from tablets, smartphone and computers which do not have the software installed. Total control of your keys Even from the other side of the world. KeyWin 6 Pro keeps your keys in order. With KeyWin Pro you can easily connect via TCP/IP and communicate via the network connection so you can simply administer and program your Keycontrol series key cabinet, whether you are in the same office block or anywhere in the world. You log into the key cabinet as a user using your personal code. Each key has a key peg with a unique identity, which is placed in a strip that in turn communicates with the KeyWin 6 key management program, where each separate event is registered. The key strips then indicate which keys you have access to or, if a key has already been removed, you receive information on the display about who is using the key. You can also search for historic information about keys in KeyWin 6 program.

KeyWin 6 Pro Software Features

KeyWin 5 Pro Software

Easy to use

The administrator determines the members of staff who have access to a specific key by entering which user can log into the key cabinet or value box with his or her personal code.

KeyWin 5 Pro Software

Create user groups

You can simplify administration when there are many users with different access rights by creating groups. It is possible to create both key groups and user groups

KeyWin 5 Pro Software

Name keys

You give each key a name of your choice, or a key ID, to create order in your key management


KeyWin 5 Pro Software

Intelligent search function

The search function finds everything in KeyWin, since it searches on files, email, contacts, groups, alarms, etc. as fast as you type.

KeyWin 5 Pro Software

Visual cabinet view

Gives you the option to view the key cabinet’s status and edit the keys in the key cabinet.


KeyWin 5 Pro Software

Time channel

Limit a group’s use by setting a time channel. The group’s keys are available when the time channel is active

KeyWin 5 Pro Software

Event log

All events are registered in the log, both from key cabinets and from KeyWin Pro. You choose what will be shown. The intelligent search function, with select options and timeframe, simplifies obtaining the right information and producing reports.

KeyWin 5 Pro Software


You can easily create backups for the entire key management program. They are automatically named with the date and time; it is just as simple to restore the backup as it is to create it.


KeyWin 5 Pro Software

Alarm indication

When you receive an alarm, the alarm is clearly marked by a red event in the event log and you can easily see who or what has triggered the alarm.



KeyWin 5 Pro Software


You can always make a backup of the event log. Either via a CSV file which you can import to Excel or direct to a PDF file.

KeyWin 5 Pro Software

Communication settings

You have a number of possible communication settings that can be synchronised with your network


KeyWin 5 Pro Software

Choice of language

You can choose between many different alarms for your key cabinet. For example, door alarm, key alarm, break-in alarm, etc


KeyWin 5 Pro Software

KeyWin 6 Pro Software

Key-Box Security Key Cabinets The Key-Box Key control series smart range of electronic key cabinets with electronic key identification for monitoring and control of each individual key. The Key-Box administration is performed using the PC program KeyWin Pro, where all events are logged and saved.



Please contact us for more info and pricing on our key management systems, solutions and products Please Click to Contact Us Now

