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Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Don’t wait for the worst to happen, prevent key loss/theft today with an affordable, easy to u...
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It’s Almost Halloween...Do You Know Where Your Keys Are?

posted by Anonymous

key managementOctober is here in full swing, and that means television networks and streaming services are starting to feature some classic Halloween-related movies.  A common theme in many of these films is a villain who can’t be taken down, or a villain who manages to escape (time and time again) from high security environments.

While this is great fodder for movie entertainment, it actually represents the worst case scenario for many people working in a corrections environment.  Imagine it: you spend your working hours focused on maintaining a level of safety not understood by many outside of the industry.  This includes all of the same operational needs of many big corporations (e.g., staffing, scheduling, equipment maintenance) with the added burden of knowing that you are responsible for ensuring that important doors stay locked.  Not only do you have to keep the proverbial lights on, you literally need to have a key for the lock (or more specifically: many keys for many locks).

And then, in these movies, the bad guy busts out of an unlocked door, or grabs a key from an unsuspecting staff member.  A small vulnerability undermines the time, attention, and effort of an entire staff and an entire facility.  In the movies, it’s okay - it’s all fake.  But for the real world this represents a significant risk.

Thankfully, there are numerous solutions in the key management space that can minimize the stress of tracking and storing the keys needed for modern correctional facilities.  These solutions use advanced and secure technology to safeguard your keys from common, human error:

  • Intelligent keys can track information about who has what, who opened what, and who can access which keys.
  • Backend event logging gives you more analytical insight into shift changes, workflow patterns, and where you can make things more efficient.
  • Streamlined key storage boxes and mounting systems deliver all of the safety and efficiency of smart key management without a significant impact to your available workspace.

key management for police

At a basic level, the items above combine to give corrections personnel the peace of mind that their facility won’t be highlighted in next year’s blockbuster Halloween film as the scene of a masterful escape.  However, not all providers are able to deliver the value and the features listed above - at Key Box Key Management Systems, we’ve taken the needs and priorities of our law enforcement customers and made them our own.  This is demonstrated in the strength of our product suite and support resources

While we may enjoy a scary movie every now and again, we don’t joke around with our solutions: they’re built with the utmost security, integrity and intelligence in mind.  And, in the real world, that’s what matters most.

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