Key-Box Key Management Systems
Division of Time Access Systems Inc
Time Access Systems Inc. can provide the solution to your key tracking problems. With our Exit Key Alert System, you can monitor your employees actions and prevent them from taking keys off site.
This system works in tandem with all standard key management systems but will also work as a stand alone system. We also offer consultation and valuable recommendations for Key Management Systems.
We offer 30 years of experience in designing & implementing various types of Systems & Solutions.
Ideal for the Gaming Industry…
Ensuring security in the gaming/entertainment industry can be a daunting task that requires advanced solutions that address multiple needs. Whether at a casino or football game, there are thousands of employees, visitors, and equipment that need to be monitored from a central location. Exit Key Alert Systems provide facilities with the technology needed to solve this problem.
Tags can be attached to key rings in casinos and configured to automatically trigger an alarm should the tagged key chain approach an exit. Many states require mandatory re-keying of slot machines if the keys are taken outside the building. By sounding the alarm before the keys leave the building, it can save the casino tens of thousands of dollars in re-keying costs!
How ActiveTag works…
The entire Exit Key Alert System is implemented over the
existing network infrastructure, making installation easier, less expensive, and highly scalable. The activators automatically send out encoded information via internal and/or external antennas to the tags which in turn forward that information along with the tag ID information to the network receiver up to 100 feet away.
This allows a single receiver to collect tag data from a number of activation points as well as offering the flexibility of defining "zones" or perimeters to an asset or person, or monitoring movement between "zones". Tag information is instantly forwarded over the network to a host computer running. Active Trac Software to provide real-time management solutions via powerful reporting, display, decision and control functions.
Alert signals can also be tied into existing alarm, access control, and surveillance systems. A panic alarm feature is also available which, at the push of a button, triggers the tag to transmit an alarm signal. These key fob tags are 40% smaller than standard personnel ID tags and require the use of replaceable batteries.
ActiveTrac Software Benefits
ActiveTrac Software provides an enterprise-wide personnel, asset, and equipment monitoring solution with integrated logging, tracking, alert notification, status monitoring, and reporting functions. The software combines operator-friendly displays, flexible configuration, and instantaneous query functions to offer a powerful tool for tracking movements and automatically controlling remote devices.
ActiveTrac has a range of applications, including resource management, asset protection, status monitoring, and inventory logistics. The administrator can also associate stored images (such as employee photo ID) with tags for instant display and visual verification. Pop-up windows provide instant notification of alarm conditions and exceptions to the administrator, as well as selective
viewing of event logs, real-time reads, stored images, live video snapshots, and alarm notification windows.